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I give this Motel 5 stars

The jumpscare made me scream so loud lol!

- Une ambiance très lourde et une fin qui m'a fait bondir de la chaise.

- A very heavy atmosphere and an ending that made me jump out of my chair.

(1 edit)

Played this on a 3 scary games.

Great atmosphere, and a couple of the scares really got me!

Looking forward to what comes next!

this looks like a cool game. You should submit it to our festival. Winners receive cool horror awards! -

Cant wait to see your future horror games 10/10 

Really enjoyed the game, for a first horror game it was great.

Neat short game

Cool short game! 👍🏽🔥

Scary wow.

I got glaucoma ending!

istill got jumpscare 

anyway thanks to let us playing u game.. 

hay varios finales? es que al final se me bugeó y me hizo dudar si terminé el juego del todo XD

This game was simple but I really enjoyed the concept and the unsettling atmosphere! First game I played in this weeks 3 Scary Games!

A media que vas avanzando se va poniendo mas tenso y terrorífico. Corto pero buen trabajo! 

Buscamos uma ajuda misteriosa em um motel, mas algo estava errado.

Se você está indo para um motel agora mesmo, talvez queira ver isso antes! Nunca é tarde pra se arrepender!

Very Creepy

Comments below clip:

You find yourself in a motel, waiting for the morning to arrive, so you can move on. The motel owner has other plans though, as he wants you to come back 1 hour later. After repeating this several times, you begin to suspect something else, way more bad is going on. And guess what?

You were right!

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags. Kudos to all involved and thanks for making this awesome game.

Good game!

Nice game I think It could be a little fixed in the future. 

Well the final jumpscare didn't scare me but the ambience was kinda intense. Your game is the last one.

GAMEPLAY in French

Staffnya gak peduli sama sekali masa disuruh nunggu terus.. padahal kita perlu bantuan.

INTERESANTE LA IDEA! saludos desde argentina

This game really captures that gritty, rundown vibe of motels

I enjoyed my stay.

Read the full review

Great short horror game, I like the oppressive darkness surrounding the motel, it really adds to the atmosphere. A bit odd with the whole ''come back in an hour thing'' but it was pretty cool regardless. The true horror was sleeping on that dirty mattress XD. Great job dev(s)!

Nice horror game

Did anyone else find the secret ending???

its a nice fun short indie horror game and the jump scare got me a little 

Hey! I just played your game so here is my video. I share my thoughts on your game at the end. Thank you for your time. 

excelllent first game ! 

My Gameplay

Good little game

For how short it was it was EXTREMELY GOOD Like the atmosphere and design of it was really horrifying and just the sound effects super well used aswell as the scares so well used we need more games like this good job cant wait to see what else you create!

thanks so much!

Para ser tu primer juego de terror lo has hecho estupendamente bien, la atmósfera cada vez es más asfixiante según avanza el juego, la trama aunque sencilla es brutal, he echado de menos la silueta de alguien que te persiguiera hasta tu habitación, pero el juego es muy bueno, te doy 5 estrellas, aquí comparto el vídeo que he hecho, saludos desde España.

Here is my video of the gameplay

This was the third game included on my video! It was pretty good! Last jumpscare genuinely scared the hairs off me..  

Hats off to the Developer!

Great job creating such an immersive horror experience in just one week! Looking forward to seeing more of your games in the future!

If you ever thought that motel customer service was bad in real life, just imagine going up every single hour of the night for help, to then be jumpscared after all you did for some help.. Youtube Link -

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