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A nice demo I look forward to the full game was pretty un nervingShort but sweet had a fun time pretty scary, played this and another game and recorded my gameplay feel free to watch if you'd like!, played this and another game and recorded my gameplay feel free to watch if you'd like!

Made a video

- Un excellent jeu! Avec le concept de faire un delirium, que j'espère sera poussé davantage dans l'histoire. Mais je ne peux pas croire que le démo présente un tiers du jeu, et que le jeu complet présentera davantage de nouveautés.

- A great game! With the concept of making a delirium, which I hope will be pushed further in the story. But I can't believe that the demo shows a third of the game, and that the full game will show more new features.

I will never trust a wooden chair ever again. It kept stealing my remote, teleporting around the room, pretty sure it dropped a stool in the toilet... 10/10 would battle chair again

L'esthétique est intéressante, le principe narrative est bon aussi, j'aime pas trop l'aspect ratio mais en soit le jeu complet semble prometteur. A voir dans un futur proche sur ma chaine twitch et youtube :

I am a horror game reviewer - I left you an honest opinion.
I hope you will continue to make games.
Thanks to you, I have something to play.
| Good luck! <3

 I see that @dylan_ebert_

you like to play with building tension in horror games

your next horror game motel also played

looking forward to the full version - there's potential

check out my gameplay!

This is good. For a demo it uses its limited time so effectively, and it does what a psychological horror game is suppose to do, keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Dude when you pulled that "Shift - Run" bullshit on me I was like "aw hell naw". Cant wait for the full game!

Timespamp: 13:26

This game has some SERIOUS potential. I have never been so scared of a chair in a closet. The lack of cheap jump scares was noticeable and made it more terrifying than I was expecting. I can't wait to see what the full game has in store. 10/10

I really enjoyed it. I WANT MORE

Suasananya sangat seramm, aku takuttt 

this game was pretty eerie and creepy and sometimes i had no idea what was going on

Acordar em um quarto que você não conhece, sem saber exatamente o que aconteceu, com o que estamos lidando?

MAS! Você com seu celular ou computador em mãos que acabou de acordar em um quarto desconhecido, talvez isso seja útil?

Thank you for letting me try your game, I wanted to make a gameplay to help the creators of this game, congratulations, I want the creators of this game to subscribe to my channel please, thank you, greetings from Spain!!

OK, this is very good. Great job.

I'm glad you brought this game to my attention as I had a joy playing it.  It has surely piqued my interest, especially it being a look into your attempt of a second game; all that's left to do is improve from here on out.

As always, I have a more elaborate review in my video with it being timestamped accordingly.


Thanks a lot! Really enjoyed the commentary

ts made my bootyhole clench, please release the full game (im so sorry for commenting this)

TV won't turn on, restarted the game several times and reinstalled, it still wont turn on and there is constant lighting around the tv

There's nowhere that you can run, nowhere you can hide, where it will not find you... Youtube Link -

I'm so happy you got that initial bug sorted out, really enjoyed playing this one. The level of dread was just right, cannot wait to see more!!

thanks a lot! glad you were able to try it out :)

(1 edit)


Love the game! I closed myself in the same room with someone who breathed in the darkness.

really fun game! cant wait for the full thing

That was an awesome demo my dude! Really great graphics even if a little on the dark side and really nice sound effects. Those explosions and shakes really felt like bombs going off! I was expecting a monster, a ghost something to jump out the whole time so great job with the tension building! I hope to see where this goes and what else you will add! That ending was cool, falling into the backrooms just to be back at the start. I enjoyed and recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everyone :)

Thanks for reaching out to me! I honestly enjoyed Motel it was definitely chill inducing and I had a blast playing, now playing this game! it was short but always leave me wanting more, the eerie sound and the noises it was an interesting venture! :D thanks so much again for giving me the opportunity

Thanks a lot for playing!

for a demo I found it very interesting, and I too am excited to see its final form

For a demo this was awesome to play and I am excited to see the final product!

Thank you!

Hate de voir la version complète =) 

Bon travail c'était cool,super ambiance !

This was so fun! I need more!

This was recommended to me by Niven. I liked this, was quite short & spooky. Was also weird in someways, but was intriguing!! i hope you do make this a full game (If it's a demo) Here is my playthrough

Awesome Game bro. Demo was fire! 🔥🔥

Muchas gracias por compartir la demo, me ha gustado, está muy bien usar el mando de la televisión como conductor del juego, no me extraña que el protagonista sienta miedo por lo que ve, las bombas nucleares son terroríficas, has hecho un buen trabajo por eso te doy 4 estrellas, saludos!!!
(1 edit)

Comments below clip:

This lingering atmosphere of a foreboding message about  a future   Armageddon sets the tone  of   a   slow strangulation of the mind. The fact that all this is achieved without the usual, and very menial, tricks of exploding lightbulbs, knocking on doors or wood, loud screams and other jump startles, is indicative of a DEV with a great mind and the skills to pull off something that's quite rare in the horror genre/community.

You've given us/me a taste. Can't wait for the full game to hit the shelves.

Well done!

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags. Kudos to all involved and thanks for making this awesome game.


thanks a lot! enjoyed the video

Included this in my 3 random horror game video!

This was not bad at all being in the demo stages. Loved the idea of interacting with the TVs to progress. Really cool idea. Made a video on it.


thank you!

For a demo of this it was truly amazing i loved it just the atmosphere is what sent chills and shivers down my spine it was crazy insane good job and cant wait for the full release!

thanks so much!

i’ll let you know when the full game releases :)

This was so amazing! Really looking forward to the full release because the amount of tension you built up was great! Awesome job!

Wow this was really great game I like it very much can't wait to play full version when is release anyway well done keep it up!

thanks a lot!

Hello IndividualKex. That´s an awesome game!


thank you!

Thank you for letting me playtest i was sick today but i still had fun (the video has not been edited yet so its still unlisted)

thanks so much for playing! get well soon

Are you meant to stick to the wall? I tried playing it for a wee while but every time I walked forward I got slammed against a wall and couldn't move.

sounds like a bug :( i will try to figure it out

this has been fixed!

cool, I'll get it recorded this weekend

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